Personal projects
iOS app to import Spotify playlists to Apple Music. Made because the existing apps just weren't good enough.
You can read about the long journey to get it approved on the App Store here.
You can read about the long journey to get it approved on the App Store here.
Created in the foundation of SGApp (see below), makes it easier to access FUMEC's (my second college) SINEF, so the user can see their grades, files and has a shared calendar in which the created events can be (optionally) seen by their classmates.

Python API and iOS apps developed to make it easier to access the PUC Minas' (my first college) SGA, where the users can see their grades, communicate with teachers, assignments and notifications of new grades, absences and messages.
Service to automatically check for changes in web pages. The user can select a specific part of the page to be checked, and has an advanced mode to set HTTP headers and body.
Verification interval can be selected by the user and they can receive notifications via email or in the iOS app. Currently it doesn't work though :(
Unified login system for all services of
Service that automatically posts on Twitter your Swarm check-ins in the old style, without mentioning the venue's Twitter handle.
Service that posts to Twitter your weekly top artists from You can customize the tweet template and choose the exact day, hour and minute to post.
URL shortener with user account, stats panel with real time access log.
My first ever web project, no longer online. It was an Instagram web client, back in 2012 when Instagram didn't have a web version. I actually have a funny story about this: I have a friend who, back then, posted a picture on Instagram everyday, at the same location, at roughly the same time (around the time I woke up). One day I joked that I could use his post as my alarm clock, and then I thought "why not?". So I created a simple Python script that kept checking his profile for the picture and when found it played a song to wake me up. I had so much fun using Instagram's API that I didn't want to stop there, so I learned Django, made Jotagram and here we are today.
Projects @ ioasys
ioasys App Deployer

Internal app distribution service, for Android and ad-hoc iOS apps. It has a Mac app, drop in an apk/ipa/.xcarchive and it'll generate a link to install the app. Integrated with our CI server.