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Top 10 URLs

1. doge2048ios 97916 clicks
2. anta 20893 clicks
3. bigbutts 18777 clicks
4. horrivel 16104 clicks
5. necessidade 14379 clicks
6. burra 13836 clicks
7. naoestasendofacil 11157 clicks
8. almoco 9280 clicks
9. cwerdam 8720 clicks
10. letrasorkut 8211 clicks

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Welcome to jShort

5320 URLs created so far, 606888 accesses

jShort has become the official[citation needed] internet's dictionary
For every situation, there's a jShort URL. Share that awesome URL,
or that hillarious image (you can upload images!). It just might be the next anta.
You can add a + to the end of the URL to see access stats.
So go on, add one more to those 5320 URLs

Disposable URL

jShort it!

Hey, now we have iOS and Android apps.
And there's browser extensions too. Check them out!

Not yet available for your browser? We also have a bookmarklet.
Just drag the link to your bookmarks bar: jShort it!


jShort - the first shortener with its own shirt! Soon in the jStore.